Purchasing eBooks

 We are so glad you have chosen to buy your eBook through us. We want you to get the most of your experience, so please take a moment to read this fully.

When you purchase the eBook, you will have the opportunity to download the .epub eBook after check out. You can download it and open it with your preferred reading app. (Depending on the device, this step may require you to email the file to your device separately.)

However, we have worked it out with BookFunnel to provide you with a simple reading experience that does not involve all of those steps.

First, you will need to download the BookFunnel app onto your device.

You can find that link here:

Next, you will need to log in with the same email you used when purchasing the book from us. The book should then automatically appear in your library on the app. It is that easy.

If you still have questions, please email us at: orders@sunrisepublishing.com.

Happy reading!

The Sunrise Team